Title: CX Success is all about Change Management
Customer Experience (CX), Partner Experience, and Employee Experience is the most important critical success factor in business success while success is a multi functional, multi stakeholder ‘thing’ (marketing, sales, service, digital, contact center, field / store, finance, IT etc.)
Involving prioritizing what to work on (“1000 things you could do, 100 you should, 10 you can and 2 you must”), ensuring resource and financial investments are allocated and sustained, educating the organization, and measurement systems that show the results of the work it is a classic change and program management discipline.
Enhancing Customer Centricity is proven to deliver improved revenues, reduced operating cost, competitive strength and happier and more fulfilled employees. But it requires a cultural change to put customers at the center of the business and improving the CX management capabilities of the organization, delivering better customer experiences that capture improved business results.
But despite all the evidence only 20% of companies have made this shift in the past 5-10 years .. and many of those struggle to sustain their focus and investments.
- Firstly CX is an ingredient not a thing, an ingredient that needs to permeate every business function, like quality or safety.
- Secondly when your boss is screaming at you, company politics are swirling and all consuming things are overwhelming you (AI anyone!) having an organization think of the customer first is a massive change.
This session will involve a twenty to twenty-five minute POV presentation and discussion with some examples and then a twenty to twenty-five minute group working session on challenges and strategies to overcome from the audience to be more engaging than a simple outbound conversation.
Meet the Presenters/Facilitators: Graham Clark and Suzi Earhart
Graham Clark is a ‘Digital first but not Digital Only’ Multichannel Customer Experience Transformation practitioner and leader focused on transformational solutions that deliver measurable outcomes based on deep Customer Understanding and Insights,. Customer Analytics and increasingly digital and technologies enabled operating models.
Graham has a a special focus on delivering multichannel customer, employee and partner focused, Effective, Easy & Emotionally Engaging Experiences integrating Business Strategy, Operations, Digital Experience, Digital Analytics, Digital Integration and Infrastructure elements; and a passion for digital CX innovations such as Journey Analytics, Journey Orchestration, Robotics, Chatbots, Intelligent Advisors, Virtual / Augmented Reality and environmental experience capabilities.
Suzi Earhart finds the greatest reward in helping others reach their full potential. She started her career in Computer Science and quickly realized that People, Process, and Technology must work together to be successful. Although she has spent a lot of time in designing and implementing technology, she is drawn to Customer Experience, Customer Experience Management, and Change Management because it is about the connections that are created with one another.
Suzi truly believes we must be intentional about when we use technology or humans to create / support an experience. Thus much of her work is to help others be intentional about listening, then using those insights to decide whether to use human, assisted, and self-service in their interactions.